Csensesp::AccessPointSettings | Storage object for WiFi access point settings |
Csensesp::AttitudeVector | Container for attitude data |
►Csensesp::BaseAnalogReader | Used by AnalogInput as a hardware abstraction layer |
Csensesp::ESP32AnalogReader | |
►Csensesp::BaseBlinker | A base class for LED blinker classes |
Csensesp::PatternBlinker | A blinker that blinks the LED according to a defined repeating pattern |
►Csensesp::PeriodicBlinker | A base class for periodic blinkers |
Csensesp::EvenBlinker | An LED blinker class that blinks the LED 50% off, 50% on, at a given period |
Csensesp::RatioBlinker | A periodic blinker that defines both the on-ratio and the period length |
Csensesp::ClientSSIDConfig | Storage object for WiFi client settings |
CArduinoJson::Converter< std::vector< T > > | |
►Csensesp::DigitalInput | DigitalInput is the base class for reading a digital GPIO pin |
Csensesp::DigitalInputChange | DigitalInputChange provides output whenever a digital pin changes its state |
►Csensesp::DigitalInputCounter | DigitalInputCounter counts interrupts and reports the count every read_delay ms |
Csensesp::DigitalInputDebounceCounter | DigitalInputDebounceCounter counts interrupts and reports the count every read_delay ms, but ignores events that happen within ignore_interval_ms |
Csensesp::DigitalInputState | DigitalInputState polls the state of an input pin every read_delay ms |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►Csensesp::ConfigItemBase | |
Csensesp::ConfigItemT< T > | Class providing sufficient data for rendering a config card in the frontend |
Csensesp::ENUVector | Container for local tangent plane coordinates |
Csensesp::ExpiringValue< T > | Value container that keeps track of its expiration time |
►Csensesp::HTTPAuthenticator | HTTP Authenticator base class |
Csensesp::HTTPDigestAuthenticator | HTTP Digest Authenticator class |
Csensesp::HTTPRequestHandler | HTTP request handler storage class |
►CIEventHandler | |
►Csensesp::BaseButtonHandler | Base class for button handlers |
►Csensesp::MinimalButtonHandler | Minimal Button Handler |
Csensesp::ButtonHandler | Default Button Handler for SensESPApp applications |
Csensesp::JoinBase< N > | |
►Csensesp::JoinBase< 2 > | |
Csensesp::Join< T1, T2 > | Join two producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::JoinBase< 3 > | |
Csensesp::Join3< T1, T2, T3 > | Merge three producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::JoinBase< 4 > | |
Csensesp::Join4< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Merge four producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::JoinBase< 5 > | |
Csensesp::Join5< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Merge five producer values into a tuple |
Csensesp::LocalDebug | |
Csensesp::MDNSDiscovery | |
Csensesp::NonceData | |
Csensesp::Nullable< T > | Template class that supports a special invalid magic value for a type |
►Csensesp::Observable | A base class which allow observers to attach callbacks to themselves. The callbacks will be called when the observable needs to notify the observers about some state change |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< AsyncResponseStatus > | |
Csensesp::AsyncResponseHandler | Handle async command responses from remote systems |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< ClickTypes > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< bool, ClickTypes > | |
Csensesp::ClickType | ClickType is a transform that consumes button clicks and translates them as events of type ClickTypes . Use AceButton instead |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< bool > | |
►Csensesp::Sensor< bool > | |
Csensesp::DigitalInputChange | DigitalInputChange provides output whenever a digital pin changes its state |
Csensesp::DigitalInputState | DigitalInputState polls the state of an input pin every read_delay ms |
►Csensesp::Transform< String, bool > | |
Csensesp::TextToTruth | Consumes a string and outputs boolean "true" if the text represents a human readable version of "true" |
►Csensesp::Transform< C, bool > | |
Csensesp::ThresholdTransform< C > | A Transform base class that translates the value of type C into boolean. Base class for classes FloatThreshold and IntThreshold |
Csensesp::SmartSwitchController | A high level transform designed to control a digital output (such as a relay) via manual button presses or programatic commands |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< int > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< int > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< int > | |
Csensesp::TaskQueueProducer< int > | |
►Csensesp::Sensor< int > | |
Csensesp::DigitalInputCounter | DigitalInputCounter counts interrupts and reports the count every read_delay ms |
►Csensesp::Transform< float, int > | |
►Csensesp::LambdaTransform< float, int > | |
►Csensesp::Typecast< float, int > | |
Csensesp::RoundToInt | Takes as its input a float, rounds it to the nearest whole number, then outputs it as an int |
►Csensesp::Transform< int, int > | |
Csensesp::Integrator< int, int > | |
Csensesp::WiFiSignal | Reports the current strength of the wifi signal that the ESP is connected to |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< uint32_t > | |
Csensesp::FreeMem | Reports the current amount of unused memory of the ESP |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< float > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< float > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< float > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< int, float > | |
Csensesp::Frequency | Transforms its input into frequency (Hz: cycles per second) |
►Csensesp::Transform< float, float > | |
►Csensesp::LambdaTransform< float, float, float, float > | |
Csensesp::Linear | Performs a linear transform on the input value: output_ = (input * multiplier) + offset |
►Csensesp::SymmetricTransform< float > | |
Csensesp::AirDensity | Transforms temperature, relative humidity and pressure in air density |
Csensesp::AnalogVoltage | A transform that takes the output of an analog-to-digital converter and outputs the voltage that went into it. (This can be the built-in ADC on the ESP, or it can be an external ADC like the ADS1015/1115.) |
Csensesp::AngleCorrection | Add a value to an angle input (in radians). The output value is wrapped to a range between [0, 2*pi]. This transform is useful for correcting e.g. a heading or a wind direction reading |
Csensesp::ChangeFilter | A float passthrough transform that will only pass that value through if it is "sufficiently different" from the last value passed through |
Csensesp::CurveInterpolator | Implement a piecewise linear interpolation transform |
Csensesp::DewPoint | Transforms temperature and relative humidity in dew point temperature |
Csensesp::HeatIndexTemperature | Transforms temperature and relative humidity in heat index temperature |
Csensesp::Median | Outputs the median value of sample_size inputs |
Csensesp::MovingAverage | Outputs the moving average of the last sample_size inputs |
Csensesp::VoltageDividerR1 | Uses the voltage divider formula to calculate (and output) the resistance of R1 in the circuit |
Csensesp::VoltageDividerR2 | Uses the voltage divider formula to calculate (and output) the resistance of R2 in the circuit |
Csensesp::VoltageMultiplier | OBSOLETE: Since you can now apply an "output_scale" to the AnalogInput sensor, you don't need this transform anymore. See the description of "output_scale" in analog_input.h |
Csensesp::SystemHz | Reports the current clock speed of the ESP |
Csensesp::Uptime | Reports the number of seconds since the last restart of the ESP |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< String > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< String > | |
Csensesp::PersistingObservableValue< String > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< String > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< float, String > | |
Csensesp::HeatIndexEffect | Transforms heat index temperature to heat index effect |
►Csensesp::Transform< String, String > | |
►Csensesp::SymmetricTransform< String > | |
►Csensesp::SKOutput< String > | |
Csensesp::SKOutputRawJson | Class for sending raw Json strings on a specific Signal K path |
►Csensesp::Transform< time_t, String > | |
►Csensesp::TimeString | Consumes a time_t time object and produces a human readable string of the time for UTC in ISO 8601 format |
Csensesp::SKOutputTime | |
►Csensesp::Transform< bool, String > | |
Csensesp::TruthToText | Consumes a boolean value and outputs one the appropriate truth string specified in the constructor. This is the inverse of TextToTruth |
Csensesp::IPAddrDev | Reports the IP address of the ESP once it's connected to wifi |
Csensesp::StreamLineProducer | ValueProducer that reads from a Stream and produces a full line |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< OUT > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< IN, OUT > | |
►Csensesp::LambdaTransform< IN, OUT, IN, IN, OUT, OUT > | |
Csensesp::Hysteresis< IN, OUT > | Hysteresis function |
►Csensesp::LambdaTransform< IN, OUT, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Construct a new transform based on a single function |
Csensesp::Typecast< IN, OUT > | Converts input from one data type to another, then outputs the new type |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< std::tuple< T1, T2 > > | |
Csensesp::Join< T1, T2 > | Join two producer values into a tuple |
Csensesp::Zip< T1, T2 > | Zip two producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< std::tuple< T1, T2, T3 > > | |
Csensesp::Join3< T1, T2, T3 > | Merge three producer values into a tuple |
Csensesp::Zip3< T1, T2, T3 > | Zip three producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< std::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | |
Csensesp::Join4< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Merge four producer values into a tuple |
Csensesp::Zip4< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Zip four producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< std::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
Csensesp::Join5< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Merge five producer values into a tuple |
Csensesp::Zip5< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Zip five producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< WiFiState > | |
Csensesp::Networking | Manages the ESP's connection to the Wifi network |
Csensesp::WiFiStateProducer | Provide information about the current WiFi state |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< TO > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< FROM, TO > | |
Csensesp::Repeat< FROM, TO > | Repeat the input at specific intervals |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< Nullable< T > > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< T, Nullable< T > > | |
►Csensesp::Repeat< T, Nullable< T > > | |
►Csensesp::RepeatExpiring< T > | Repeat transform that emits an expired value if the value age exceeds max_age |
Csensesp::RepeatConstantRate< T > | Repeat transform that emits the last value at a constant interval |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< SKWSConnectionState > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< SKWSConnectionState > | |
Csensesp::TaskQueueProducer< SKWSConnectionState > | |
Csensesp::SKWSClient | The websocket connection to the Signal K server |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< char > | |
Csensesp::StreamCharProducer | ValueProducer that reads from a Stream and produces each character |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< SystemStatus > | |
Csensesp::SystemStatusController | Base class for a controller that can react to system status events |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< double > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< T, double > | |
Csensesp::TimeCounter< T > | A transform that outputs the duration of the input value being true or non-null |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< P > | |
►Csensesp::Transform< C, P > | The main Transform class. A transform is identified primarily by the type of value that is produces (i.e. a Transform<float> is a ValueProducer<float> that generates float values) |
Csensesp::Integrator< C, P > | Integrator integrates (accumulates) the incoming values |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< int8_t > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< int8_t > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< int8_t > | |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< uint16_t > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< uint16_t > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< uint16_t > | |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< uint64_t > | |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< uint64_t > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< uint64_t > | |
►Csensesp::SKEmitter | A class that produces Signal K output to be forwarded to the Signal K server (if the system is connected to one). Signal K is reported via the as_signalK() method |
Csensesp::SKOutput< String > | |
►Csensesp::SKOutput< T > | A specialized transform whose primary purpose is to output Signal K data on the Signal K network |
Csensesp::SKOutputNumeric< T > | A special class for sending numeric values to the Signal K server on a specific Signal K path |
Csensesp::SKOutputTime | |
►Csensesp::SKListener | An Obervable class that listens for Signal K stream deltas and notifies any observers of value changes. This serves as a base class for code that needs to listen to the stream, with the most common descendant being SKValueListener |
Csensesp::SKValueListener< T > | An ValueProducer that listens to specific Signal K paths and emits its value whenever it changes |
►Csensesp::SKPutListener | An Obervable class that listens for Signal K PUT requests coming over the websocket connection and notifies observers of the change |
Csensesp::SKPutRequestListener< T > | An object that listens for PUT requests to come in for the specified SignalK path. The value is then emitted for further processing |
►Csensesp::SensorConfig | The base class for all sensors. Used only as a base class - never instantiated directly in a project |
Csensesp::Sensor< bool > | |
Csensesp::Sensor< int > | |
►Csensesp::Sensor< T > | Sensor template class for any sensor producing actual values |
Csensesp::AnalogInput | Sensor for reading the MCU analog input pins |
Csensesp::ConstantSensor< T > | ConstantSensor is the base class for virtual sensors that periodically emit a constant value |
Csensesp::RepeatSensor< T > | |
Csensesp::UIButton | UIButton implements a button interface on the web UI |
►Csensesp::ValueProducer< T > | A base class for any sensor or piece of code that outputs a value for consumption elsewhere |
►Csensesp::Transform< T, T > | |
►Csensesp::Repeat< T, T > | |
Csensesp::RepeatReport< T > | |
Csensesp::RepeatStopping< T > | Repeat transform that stops emitting if the value age exceeds max_age |
Csensesp::Enable< T > | On/off switch for signals: input is emitted as-is if the enable flag is set in the web UI |
Csensesp::Filter< T > | Transform that only emits the output if the filter condition returns true |
►Csensesp::SymmetricTransform< T > | A common type of transform that consumes, transforms, then outputs values of the same data type |
Csensesp::Debounce< T > | Implements debounce code for a button or switch |
Csensesp::DigitalOutput | Sets a GPIO pin to whatever the input is (true = HIGH, false = LOW), and passes the value on to the next ValueConsumer |
Csensesp::PressRepeater | A transform that takes boolean inputs and adds button behaviors familiar to many device end users. DEPRECATED: use AceButton for button inputs |
Csensesp::SKOutput< T > | A specialized transform whose primary purpose is to output Signal K data on the Signal K network |
Csensesp::Throttle< T > | Throttle the input rate |
►Csensesp::ObservableValue< T > | A value container that notifies its observers if it gets changed |
Csensesp::PersistingObservableValue< T > | An ObservableValue that saves its value to the configuration |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< T > | Item that renders its own value on the web UI status page |
Csensesp::TaskQueueProducer< T > | Producer class that works across task boundaries |
Csensesp::SKPutRequestListener< T > | An object that listens for PUT requests to come in for the specified SignalK path. The value is then emitted for further processing |
Csensesp::SKValueListener< T > | An ValueProducer that listens to specific Signal K paths and emits its value whenever it changes |
Csensesp::Sensor< T > | Sensor template class for any sensor producing actual values |
Csensesp::OTA | |
Csensesp::ParamInfo | |
Csensesp::SKRequest::PendingRequest | |
Csensesp::Position | Position data container |
►Cstd::queue< T > | STL class |
Csensesp::SafeQueue< SKWSConnectionState > | |
Csensesp::SafeQueue< int > | |
Csensesp::SafeQueue< T > | Thread-safe queue for inter-task communication. Works like std::queue |
►Csensesp::Resettable | Automatic calling of the reset() method when the device needs to be reset |
Csensesp::Filesystem | |
Csensesp::Networking | Manages the ESP's connection to the Wifi network |
Csensesp::ResettableCompare | |
Csensesp::RouteDefinition | |
Csensesp::CurveInterpolator::Sample | |
►Csensesp::Saveable | Interface for saveable objects |
►Csensesp::FileSystemSaveable | |
Csensesp::PersistingObservableValue< String > | |
Csensesp::CheckboxConfig | |
Csensesp::HTTPServer | HTTP server class wrapping the esp-idf http server |
Csensesp::Networking | Manages the ESP's connection to the Wifi network |
Csensesp::NumberConfig | |
Csensesp::PersistingObservableValue< T > | An ObservableValue that saves its value to the configuration |
Csensesp::RgbLed | A special device object that can be used to control a multi-channel color rgb LED light using up to 3 digital output channels. A "color" is defined using the standard 24 bit color depth numbers composed of three 8 bit channels for Red, Green, and Blue (see https://techterms.com/definition/rgb) |
Csensesp::SKListener | An Obervable class that listens for Signal K stream deltas and notifies any observers of value changes. This serves as a base class for code that needs to listen to the stream, with the most common descendant being SKValueListener |
►Csensesp::SKPutRequestBase | A base class for all template variations of the PUT request class SKPutRequest. This base class keeps the compiler from generating reduntant object code for common functionality of each template version |
Csensesp::SKPutRequest< T > | Used to send requests to the server to change the value of the specified path to a specific value according to the specification at https://signalk.org/specification/1.5.0/doc/put.html |
Csensesp::SKWSClient | The websocket connection to the Signal K server |
Csensesp::SelectConfig | |
Csensesp::SensorConfig | The base class for all sensors. Used only as a base class - never instantiated directly in a project |
Csensesp::SmartSwitchController | A high level transform designed to control a digital output (such as a relay) via manual button presses or programatic commands |
Csensesp::StringConfig | |
►Csensesp::TransformBase | The base class for all transforms. A transforms takes a value in, transforms it in some way, and outputs the transformed value |
Csensesp::Transform< bool, ClickTypes > | |
Csensesp::Transform< T, T > | |
Csensesp::Transform< int, float > | |
Csensesp::Transform< float, String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< IN, OUT > | |
Csensesp::Transform< float, float > | |
Csensesp::Transform< FROM, TO > | |
Csensesp::Transform< T, Nullable< T > > | |
Csensesp::Transform< float, int > | |
Csensesp::Transform< String, String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< String, bool > | |
Csensesp::Transform< C, bool > | |
Csensesp::Transform< T, double > | |
Csensesp::Transform< time_t, String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< bool, String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< int, int > | |
Csensesp::Transform< C, P > | The main Transform class. A transform is identified primarily by the type of value that is produces (i.e. a Transform<float> is a ValueProducer<float> that generates float values) |
►Csensesp::SensESPBaseApp | The base class for SensESP applications |
Csensesp::SensESPApp | |
Csensesp::SensESPMinimalApp | |
►Csensesp::SensESPBaseAppBuilder | Abstract base class for other SensESP*AppBuilder classes |
Csensesp::SensESPAppBuilder | A class for quickly configuring a SensESP application object before wiring up your sensors |
Csensesp::SensESPMinimalAppBuilder | |
►Csensesp::Serializable | Interface for serializable objects |
Csensesp::FileSystemSaveable | |
Csensesp::SKDeltaQueue | Signal K delta queue |
Csensesp::SKMetadata | Holds Signal K meta data that is associated with the sk_path an SKEmitter class may optionally send to the server. According to the official Signal K specification: "All keys in the Signal K
specification must have a <tt>description</tt>, and where the key is a numeric value
it must have <tt>units</tt>". Thus, any paths that you output that are not already part of the official Signal K specification should have these two fields defined as metadata |
►Csensesp::SKRequest | A base class for all objects that are capable of sending "requests" to the SignalK server (and optionally receiving the responses) according to the specification located at https://signalk.org/specification/1.5.0/doc/request_response.html |
Csensesp::SKPutRequestBase | A base class for all template variations of the PUT request class SKPutRequest. This base class keeps the compiler from generating reduntant object code for common functionality of each template version |
Csensesp::Startable | Dummy Startable class for backward compatibility |
Csensesp::StaticFileData | |
►Csensesp::StatusPageItemBase | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< int > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< String > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< int8_t > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< uint16_t > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< uint64_t > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< float > | |
Csensesp::StatusPageItem< T > | Item that renders its own value on the web UI status page |
Csensesp::SmartSwitchController::SyncPath | Used to store configuration internally |
Csensesp::SystemStatusLed | Consumes the networking and websocket states and delta counts and updates the device LED accordingly. Inherit this class and override the methods to customize the behavior |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< T > | A base class for piece of code (like a transform) that accepts data for input. ValueConsumers can accept one or more input values via the set() method. They are connected to ValueProducers via the connect_to() method |
Csensesp::Transform< T, T > | |
Csensesp::Transform< T, Nullable< T > > | |
Csensesp::Transform< T, double > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< T > | A value container that notifies its observers if it gets changed |
Csensesp::SKPutRequest< T > | Used to send requests to the server to change the value of the specified path to a specific value according to the specification at https://signalk.org/specification/1.5.0/doc/put.html |
Csensesp::SemaphoreValue< T > | A value container wrapped in a semaphore |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< bool > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< bool > | |
Csensesp::Transform< bool, ClickTypes > | |
Csensesp::Transform< bool, String > | |
Csensesp::AsyncResponseHandler | Handle async command responses from remote systems |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< C > | |
Csensesp::Transform< C, bool > | |
Csensesp::Transform< C, P > | The main Transform class. A transform is identified primarily by the type of value that is produces (i.e. a Transform<float> is a ValueProducer<float> that generates float values) |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< ClickTypes > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< ClickTypes > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< float > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< float > | |
Csensesp::Transform< float, String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< float, float > | |
Csensesp::Transform< float, int > | |
Csensesp::PWMOutput | Provides a cross platform mechanism for generating Pulse Width Modulation signals over one or more GPIO pins on the MCU |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< FROM > | |
Csensesp::Transform< FROM, TO > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< IN > | |
Csensesp::Transform< IN, OUT > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< IN > | Provides an easy way of calling a function based on the output of any ValueProducer |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< int > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< int > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< int > | |
Csensesp::Transform< int, float > | |
Csensesp::Transform< int, int > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< int8_t > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< int8_t > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< long > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< long > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< SKWSConnectionState > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< SKWSConnectionState > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< SKWSConnectionState > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< String > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< String > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< String, String > | |
Csensesp::Transform< String, bool > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< SystemStatus > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< SystemStatus > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< time_t > | |
Csensesp::Transform< time_t, String > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< uint16_t > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< uint16_t > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< uint64_t > | |
Csensesp::ObservableValue< uint64_t > | |
►Csensesp::ValueConsumer< WiFiState > | |
Csensesp::LambdaConsumer< WiFiState > | |
Csensesp::WiFiNetworkInfo | WiFi Network Information storage class |
Csensesp::ZipBase< N > | |
►Csensesp::ZipBase< 2 > | |
Csensesp::Zip< T1, T2 > | Zip two producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ZipBase< 3 > | |
Csensesp::Zip3< T1, T2, T3 > | Zip three producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ZipBase< 4 > | |
Csensesp::Zip4< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Zip four producer values into a tuple |
►Csensesp::ZipBase< 5 > | |
Csensesp::Zip5< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Zip five producer values into a tuple |