SensESP 3.0.1
Universal Signal K sensor toolkit ESP32
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Csensesp::AccessPointSettingsStorage object for WiFi access point settings
 Csensesp::AttitudeVectorContainer for attitude data
 Csensesp::BaseAnalogReaderUsed by AnalogInput as a hardware abstraction layer
 Csensesp::BaseBlinkerA base class for LED blinker classes
 Csensesp::ClientSSIDConfigStorage object for WiFi client settings
 CArduinoJson::Converter< std::vector< T > >
 Csensesp::DigitalInputDigitalInput is the base class for reading a digital GPIO pin
 Csensesp::ENUVectorContainer for local tangent plane coordinates
 Csensesp::ExpiringValue< T >Value container that keeps track of its expiration time
 Csensesp::HTTPAuthenticatorHTTP Authenticator base class
 Csensesp::HTTPRequestHandlerHTTP request handler storage class
 Csensesp::JoinBase< N >
 Csensesp::JoinBase< 2 >
 Csensesp::JoinBase< 3 >
 Csensesp::JoinBase< 4 >
 Csensesp::JoinBase< 5 >
 Csensesp::Nullable< T >Template class that supports a special invalid magic value for a type
 Csensesp::ObservableA base class which allow observers to attach callbacks to themselves. The callbacks will be called when the observable needs to notify the observers about some state change
 Csensesp::PositionPosition data container
 Cstd::queue< T >STL class
 Csensesp::ResettableAutomatic calling of the reset() method when the device needs to be reset
 Csensesp::SaveableInterface for saveable objects
 Csensesp::SensESPBaseAppThe base class for SensESP applications
 Csensesp::SensESPBaseAppBuilderAbstract base class for other SensESP*AppBuilder classes
 Csensesp::SerializableInterface for serializable objects
 Csensesp::SKDeltaQueueSignal K delta queue
 Csensesp::SKMetadataHolds Signal K meta data that is associated with the sk_path an SKEmitter class may optionally send to the server. According to the official Signal K specification: "All keys in the Signal K specification must have a <tt>description</tt>, and where the key is a numeric value it must have <tt>units</tt>". Thus, any paths that you output that are not already part of the official Signal K specification should have these two fields defined as metadata
 Csensesp::SKRequestA base class for all objects that are capable of sending "requests" to the SignalK server (and optionally receiving the responses) according to the specification located at
 Csensesp::StartableDummy Startable class for backward compatibility
 Csensesp::SmartSwitchController::SyncPathUsed to store configuration internally
 Csensesp::SystemStatusLedConsumes the networking and websocket states and delta counts and updates the device LED accordingly. Inherit this class and override the methods to customize the behavior
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< T >A base class for piece of code (like a transform) that accepts data for input. ValueConsumers can accept one or more input values via the set() method. They are connected to ValueProducers via the connect_to() method
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< bool >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< C >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< ClickTypes >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< float >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< FROM >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< IN >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< int >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< int8_t >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< long >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< SKWSConnectionState >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< String >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< SystemStatus >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< time_t >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< uint16_t >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< uint64_t >
 Csensesp::ValueConsumer< WiFiState >
 Csensesp::WiFiNetworkInfoWiFi Network Information storage class
 Csensesp::ZipBase< N >
 Csensesp::ZipBase< 2 >
 Csensesp::ZipBase< 3 >
 Csensesp::ZipBase< 4 >
 Csensesp::ZipBase< 5 >