PUT Requests

PUT requests are sent to a server to request an action to be taken. For example, a client would use PUT to switch the anchor light on or off, change the heading of the autopilot, or change the current input on a stereo.

Note that this is very different than updating the current state of something. Use a delta update message to report the current / updated value of something, for example to report on the current wind speed from a sensor. See Delta Format

See Request/Response for more details on request/response in Signal K.

Making a Request To Take an Action

To change a value, a PUT request should be sent via HTTP or using a Signal K put delta.

The source field is optional. If a request is sent without the source and there is more than one source for the value, the server should respond with a 400 (Bad Request) HTTP status code.


PUT http://localhost:3000/signalk/v1/api/vessels/self/steering/autopilot/target/headingTrue
  "value": 1.52,
  "source": "actisense.204",

Via a Delta

  "context": "vessels.urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:6b0e776f-811a-4b35-980e-b93405371bc5",
  "requestId": "6b0e776f-811a-4b35-980e-b93405371bc5",
  "put": [{
	  "path": "a.b.c",
	  "value": 1234

The context key is optional, and defaults to vessels.self, which is the usual case. You can include it to be able to set values on other vessels.


The above PUT request (v1) uses an array to allow multiple keys in a single PUT. This is deprecated and strongly discouraged as it causes complex problems with the request/response semantics in cases of partial failures. An alternative format has been added to the v1 specification where the PUT request is:

  "context": "vessels.urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:6b0e776f-811a-4b35-980e-b93405371bc5",
  "requestId": "6b0e776f-811a-4b35-980e-b93405371bc5",
  "put": {
	  "path": "a.b.c",
	  "value": 1234

In the v2 API the array format will be removed. Implementors are recommended to support both in the interim.

Return states

A PUT request in the array format is only successful if ALL if the items are successful. It is up to the client to ascertain which were in error, and why.