
A key part of Signal K is the ability for data consumers such as apps or MFDs to automatically configure themselves based on settings retrieved from the server. The metadata component of Signal K facilitates this through an optional meta object attached to each key in the Signal K data model.


In an environment where various critical pieces of information are displayed in multiple locations it becomes quite difficult to ensure that all of these devices use the same scale and react the same way to changes in the data. This is especially true in an environment where these devices are not tied to the boat. A crew member may bring a personal tablet with them for their tactician role during a Wednesday evening race or a harbor pilot may bring a laptop on board loaded with local charts. If these devices can load critical configuration data from a central server on the boat, this saves time and prevents costly or even disastrous mistakes from occurring due to misconfigured devices.

Metadata for a Data Value

The meta object exists at the same level as value and $source in each key in the Signal K data model.

  "displayName": "Port Tachometer",
  "longName": "Engine 2 Tachometer",
  "shortName": "Tacho",
  "description": "Engine revolutions (x60 for RPM)",
  "units": "Hz",
  "timeout": 1,
  "displayScale": {"lower": 0, "upper": 75, "type": "linear"},
  "alertMethod": ["visual"],
  "warnMethod": ["visual"],
  "alarmMethod": ["sound", "visual"],
  "emergencyMethod": ["sound", "visual"],
  "zones": [
    {"upper": 4, "state": "alarm", "message": "Stopped or very slow"},
    {"lower": 4, "upper": 60, "state": "normal"},
    {"lower": 60, "upper": 65, "state": "warn", "message": "Approaching maximum"},
    {"lower": 65, "state": "alarm", "message": "Exceeding maximum"}

In the example meta object above, a definition is provided for an analog RPM gauge for the port engine. It provides a few different options for the consumer to use to display the name of the measurement and explicitly calls out the unit of measure.


This is the description for the Signal K path and must always be the same as the description property within the Signal K Schema for that path.


This is used on or near any display or gauge which shows the data. Units can change and are presented separately, therefore no indication of units should be included in displayName. eg. "Port"

###longName shortName

These are human readable names for the particular instance of this value. Presented to users to identify the value. The short version may be used by consumers where space is at a premium. As with displayName units should not be included.


The timeout property tells the consumer how long it should consider the value valid. This value is specified in seconds, so for a high speed GPS sensor it may 0.1 or even 0.05.

The displayScale object provides information regarding the recommended type and extent of the scale used for displaying values. The lower and upper indicate the extent of the scale to be shown. Some values are better shown on a non linear scale, for example logarithmic for luminosity, depth, signal strength, etc. whilst others may be better on a squareroot scale eg. depth, windspeed. type has possible values of linear (default), logarithmic, squareroot or power. When "type": "power" is specified an additional property power must be present to define the power. Note that a power of 0.5 is equivalent to squareroot and a power of 1 is equivalent to linear. In using these scales the type defines the function which is applied to all values in order to calculate % scale deflection of the pointer/needle/plot:

TypeFormula for % deflection
linear(V - L)/(U - L)
logarithmic(log(V) - log(L) / (log(U) - log(L))
squareroot(√V - √L) / (√U - √L)
power (P)(Vᴾ - Lᴾ) / (Uᴾ - Lᴾ)

Where: V = value, L = lower bound of the gauge, U = upper bound of the gauge and P = power

Note that on a logarithmic scale neither L nor U can be zero.

The alertMethod, warnMethod, alarmMethod and emergencyMethod properties tell the consumer how it should respond to an abnormal data condition. Presently the values for these properties are sound and visual and the method is specified as an array containing one or both of these options. It is up to the consumer to decide how to convey these alerts.

###alertMethod, etc The alertMethod, warnMethod, alarmMethod and emergencyMethod properties tell the consumer how it should respond to an abnormal data condition. Presently the values for these properties are sound and visual and the method is specified as an array containing one or both of these options. It is up to the consumer to decide how to convey these alerts.

###zones The last property in the meta object is the zones array. This provides a series of hints to the consumer which can be used to properly set a range on a display gauge and also color sectors of a gauge to indicate normal or dangerous operating conditions. It also tells the consumer which state the data is in for a given range. Combined with the alert method properties, all Signal K consumers can react the same way to a given state.

The possible states in ascending order of severity are:

| State/Zone | Description | |------------|--------|--------| | nominal | this is a special type of normal state/zone (see below) | | normal | the normal operating range for the value in question (default) | | alert | Indicates a safe or normal condition which is brought to the operators attention to impart information for routine action purposes | | warn | Indicates a condition that requires immediate attention but not immediate action | | alarm | Indicates a condition which is outside the specified acceptable range. Immediate action is required to prevent loss of life or equipment damage | | emergency | the value indicates a life-threatening condition |

nominal: A example use of this is for engine monitoring eg. coolant temperature where there is a normal (no warnings) (green) zone between say 70C and 110C, but when the temperature is between 80C and 90C (nominal) the needle doesn't move at all (typically remains vertical or horizontal). This is really useful if you have many gauges (multiple motors with multiple sensors) where it is very easy to spot that every needle is pointing in exactly the same direction. Use of nominal will only be relevant if the gauge/display design permits it.

The upper and lower values in the zones do not need to be contiguous, they don't have to both be present in a zone, nor do they need to be within the bounds of the upper and lower specified in displayScale. When they are outside of the displayScale range they will still give rise to alerts. Both upper and lower values are considered to be inclusive.

If zones overlap each other the state/zone with the highest severity will take precedence. This is true for both alerts and gauge/display rendering. Any part of the range which is not explicitly within a zone is considered to be normal (the default). As such, zones with a state of normal have no effect and their removal would result in no changes to either displays or alerts.

There can be multiple zones with the same state, for example if a different message is required, or if they are on different parts of the scale.

Signal K servers will use the zone information to monitor any data which has a meta object and raise a generic alarm event. See the section on Alarm Handling for more.

Implicit Metadata

All keys in the Signal K specification must have a description, and where the key is a numeric value it must have units.

If a client requests the meta property for a valid Signal K key via the HTTP REST interface, the server must return the description and, if applicable, units, even if no value has ever been generated for that key.

If a key has values determined by an enum, the server should include the enum in the meta. NB. in future versions it is likely that this will become a mandatory requirement for the server.

// GET /signalk/v1/api/vessels/self/environment/depth/belowKeel/meta

  "units": "m",
  "description": "Depth below keel"

See keyswithmetadata.json

Default Configuration

Signal K does not provide a default set of metadata, it is up to the owner or their installer to configure their Signal K environment appropriately for their vessel. However, by centralizing this configuration they will only need to do it one time and any future consumers will automatically use this configuration.

Alarm Management

An alarm watch is set by setting the meta.zones array appropriately. A background process on the server checks for alarm conditions on any attribute with a meta.zones array. If the keys value is within a zone the server sets an alarm key similar to vessels.self.notifications.[original_key_suffix], e.g. an alarm set on vessels.self.navigation.courseOverGroundTrue will become vessels.self.notifications.navigation.courseOverGroundTrue.

The object found at this key should contain the following:

  "message": "any text",
  "state": "[normal|alert|warn|alarm|emergency]"

Other Benefits

While not strictly part of the Signal K specification, metadata configuration could be shared between boats or even provided by manufacturers of production boats or by component suppliers such as engine or refrigerator manufacturers. Also, any device which implements Signal K should provide a baseline metadata configuration. As this standard becomes more widespread, less individual configuration will need to be performed.