Description: This holds the context (prefix + UUID, MMSI or URL in dot notation) of the server's self object.
Description: A wrapper object for aircraft, primarily intended for SAR aircraft in relation to marine search and rescue. For clarity about seaplanes etc, if it CAN fly, its an aircraft.
Title: aircraft
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of an MMSI or Signal K UUID identifier for the aircraft. Examples: urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:111099999 urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:c0d79334-4e25-4245-8892-54e8ccc8021d
Description: URL based identity of the aircraft, if available.
Description: MMSI number of the aircraft, if available.
Description: A unique Signal K flavoured maritime resource identifier, assigned by the server.
Description: The country of aircraft registration, or flag state of the aircraft
Description: The home base of the aircraft
Description: The various registrations of the aircraft.
Description: The IMO number of the aircraft.
Description: The national registration number of the aircraft.
Description: This regex pattern is used for validating the identifier for the registration
Description: The ISO 3166-2 country code.
Description: The registration code
Description: The registration description
Description: Other registration or permits for the aircraft.
Description: This regex pattern is used for validating the identifier for the registration
Description: The registration code
Description: The registration description
Title: communication
Description: Communication data including Radio, Telephone, E-Mail, etc.
Description: Callsign for VHF communication
Description: Callsign for HF communication
Description: Phone number of skipper
Description: Email address to be used for HF email (Winmail, Airmail, Sailmail)
Description: Regular email for the skipper
Description: Satellite phone number for vessel.
Description: Full name of the skipper of the vessel.
Description: Array with the names of the crew
Title: environment
Description: Environmental data measured locally including Depth, Wind, Temp, etc.
Description: Environmental conditions outside of the vessel's hull
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside air temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside dew point temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside apparent wind chill temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside theoretical wind chill temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside heat index temperature
Units: Pa (Pascal)
Description: Current outside air ambient pressure
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Current outside air relative humidity
Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
Description: Current outside air density
Units: Lux (undefined)
Description: Current outside ambient light flux.
Description: Environmental conditions inside the vessel's hull
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current heat index temperature in zone
Units: Pa (Pascal)
Description: Pressure in zone
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Relative humidity in zone
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Dewpoint in zone
Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
Description: Air density in zone
Units: Lux (undefined)
Description: Illuminance in zone
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of the identifier for the environmental zone, eg. engineRoom, mainCabin, refrigerator
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current heat index temperature in zone
Units: Pa (Pascal)
Description: Pressure in zone
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Relative humidity in zone
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Dewpoint in zone
Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
Description: Air density in zone
Units: Lux (undefined)
Description: Illuminance in zone
Description: Environmental conditions of the water that the vessel is sailing in
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current water temperature
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Water salinity
Title: depth
Description: Depth related data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth below keel
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth below Transducer
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth from surface
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth from the transducer to the bottom of the keel
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth transducer is below the water surface
Title: current
Description: Direction and strength of current affecting the vessel
Object value with properties
- drift (m/s)
- setTrue (rad)
- setMagnetic (rad)
Title: tide
Description: Tide data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Next high tide height relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT/Chart Datum)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current tide height relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT/Chart Datum)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The next low tide height relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT/Chart Datum)
Units: RFC 3339 (UTC) (undefined)
Description: Time of the next low tide in UTC
Units: RFC 3339 (UTC) (undefined)
Description: Time of next high tide in UTC
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Vertical movement of the vessel due to waves
Title: wind
Description: Wind data.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Apparent wind angle, negative to port
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: True wind angle based on speed over ground, negative to port
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: True wind angle based on speed through water, negative to port
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The angle the wind needs to shift to raise an alarm
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The wind direction relative to true north
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The wind direction relative to magnetic north
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Wind speed over water (as calculated from speedApparent and vessel's speed through water)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Wind speed over ground (as calculated from speedApparent and vessel's speed over ground)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Apparent wind speed
Description: A time reference for the vessel. All clocks on the vessel dispaying local time should use the timezone offset here. If a timezoneRegion is supplied the timezone must also be supplied. If timezoneRegion is supplied that should be displayed by UIs in preference to simply timezone. ie 12:05 (Europe/London) should be displayed in preference to 12:05 (UTC+01:00)
Description: Mode of the vessel based on the current conditions. Can be combined with navigation.state to control vessel signals eg switch to night mode for instrumentation and lights, or make sound signals for fog.
Title: navigation
Description: Navigation data including Position, Course to next WP information, etc.
Title: Navigation lights
Description: Current state of the vessels navigation lights
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Course over ground (magnetic)
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Course over ground (true)
Title: Course
Description: Course information computed with Rhumbline
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate).
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to magnetic north.
Description: Data required if sailing to an active route, defined in resources.
Description: A reference (URL) to the presently active route, in resources.
Description: The estimated time of arrival at the end of the current route
Description: The time this route was activated
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating towards
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating from
Object value with properties
- type
- href
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance in meters between previousPoint and the vessel's present position
Title: position
Description: The position of lastPoint in two dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Course
Description: Course information computed with Great Circle
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate).
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to magnetic north.
Description: Data required if sailing to an active route, defined in resources.
Description: A reference (URL) to the presently active route, in resources.
Description: The estimated time of arrival at the end of the current route
Description: The time this route was activated
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating towards
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating from
Object value with properties
- type
- href
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance in meters between previousPoint and the vessel's present position
Title: position
Description: The position of lastPoint in two dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Description: Calculated values for other vessels, e.g. from AIS
Object value with properties
- distance (m)
- timeTo (s)
Description: Specific navigational data related to yacht racing.
Title: position
Description: Position of starboard start mark
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: position
Description: Position of port start mark
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the start line
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time left before start
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on port, turning downwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on port, turning upwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on starboard, turning downwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on starboard, turning upwind
Description: The layline crossing the current course
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the layline
Units: s (Second)
Description: The time to the layline at current speed and heading
Description: The layline parallell to current course
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the layline
Units: s (Second)
Description: The time to the layline at current speed and heading
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The magnetic variation (declination) at the current position that must be added to the magnetic heading to derive the true heading. Easterly variations are positive and Westerly variations are negative (in Radians).
Units: s (Second)
Description: Seconds since the 1st Jan 1970 that the variation calculation was made
Title: destination
Description: The intended destination of this trip
Description: Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages
Description: Expected time of arrival at destination waypoint
Description: UUID of destination waypoint
Title: gnss
Description: Global satellite navigation meta information
Description: Fix type
Description: Quality of the satellite fix
Description: Integrity of the satellite fix
Description: Number of satellites
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Altitude of antenna
Description: Horizontal Dilution of Precision
Description: Positional Dilution of Precision
Description: Difference between WGS84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level
Units: s (Second)
Description: Age of DGPS data
Description: ID of DGPS base station
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Current magnetic heading of the vessel, equals 'headingCompass adjusted for magneticDeviation'
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Magnetic deviation of the compass at the current headingCompass
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Current magnetic heading received from the compass. This is not adjusted for magneticDeviation of the compass
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'
Title: position
Description: The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Attitude
Description: Vessel attitude: roll, pitch and yaw
Object value with properties
- roll (rad)
- pitch (rad)
- yaw (rad)
Description: Special maneuver such as regional passing arrangement. (from ais)
Units: rad/s (Radian per second)
Description: Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Vessel speed through the water
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Transverse speed through the water (Leeway)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Longitudinal speed through the water
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Leeway Angle derived from the longitudinal and transverse speeds through the water
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total distance traveled
Description: Trip data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total distance traveled on this trip / since trip reset
Description: Trip log reset time
Title: state
Description: Current navigational state of the vessel
Title: anchor
Description: The anchor data, for anchor watch etc
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Radius of anchor alarm boundary. The distance from anchor to the center of the boat
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Current distance to anchor
Title: position
Description: The actual anchor position of the vessel in 3 dimensions, probably an estimate at best
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Description: Time and Date from the GNSS Positioning System
Title: notifications
Description: Notifications currently raised. Major categories have well-defined names, but the tree can be extended by any hierarchical structure
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of the path of the alarm
Title: design
Description: Design/dimensional data of this aircraft
Units: kg (Kilogram)
Description: The displacement of the vessel
Description: The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php
Object value with properties
- id
- name
Title: draft
Description: The draft of the vessel
Object value with properties
- minimum (m)
- maximum (m)
- current (m)
- canoe (m)
Title: length
Description: The various lengths of the vessel
Object value with properties
- overall (m)
- hull (m)
- waterline (m)
Title: keel
Description: Information about the vessel's keel
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: A number indicating at which angle the keel currently is (in case of a canting keel), negative to port.
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: In the case of a lifting keel, centreboard or daggerboard, the part of the keel which is extended. 0 is 'all the way up' and 1 is 'all the way down'. 0.8 would be 80% down.
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Beam length
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total height of the vessel
Title: rigging
Description: Information about the vessel's rigging
Title: sensors
Description: Sensors, their state, and data.
Title: sensor
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation UUID identifier for the sensor
Description: The common name of the sensor
Description: The datamodel definition of the sensor data. FIXME - need to create a definitions lib of sensor datamodel types
Description: The data of the sensor data. FIXME - need to ref the definitions of sensor types
Description: The distance from the bow to the sensor location
Description: The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port
Description: A wrapper object for Aids to Navigation (aton's)
Title: aid to navigation
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of an MMSI or Signal K UUID identifier for the aid to navigation. Examples: urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:991099999 urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:c0d79334-4e25-4245-8892-54e8ccc8021d
Description: URL based identity of the aid to navigation, if available.
Description: MMSI number of the aid to navigation, if available.
Description: A unique Signal K flavoured maritime resource identifier, assigned by the server.
Description: The aton type
Object value with properties
- id
- name
Description: The aton name
Title: communication
Description: Communication data including Radio, Telephone, E-Mail, etc.
Description: Callsign for VHF communication
Description: Callsign for HF communication
Description: Phone number of skipper
Description: Email address to be used for HF email (Winmail, Airmail, Sailmail)
Description: Regular email for the skipper
Description: Satellite phone number for vessel.
Description: Full name of the skipper of the vessel.
Description: Array with the names of the crew
Title: environment
Description: Environmental data measured locally including Depth, Wind, Temp, etc.
Description: Environmental conditions outside of the vessel's hull
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside air temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside dew point temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside apparent wind chill temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside theoretical wind chill temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current outside heat index temperature
Units: Pa (Pascal)
Description: Current outside air ambient pressure
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Current outside air relative humidity
Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
Description: Current outside air density
Units: Lux (undefined)
Description: Current outside ambient light flux.
Description: Environmental conditions inside the vessel's hull
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current heat index temperature in zone
Units: Pa (Pascal)
Description: Pressure in zone
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Relative humidity in zone
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Dewpoint in zone
Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
Description: Air density in zone
Units: Lux (undefined)
Description: Illuminance in zone
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of the identifier for the environmental zone, eg. engineRoom, mainCabin, refrigerator
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Temperature
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current heat index temperature in zone
Units: Pa (Pascal)
Description: Pressure in zone
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Relative humidity in zone
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Dewpoint in zone
Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
Description: Air density in zone
Units: Lux (undefined)
Description: Illuminance in zone
Description: Environmental conditions of the water that the vessel is sailing in
Units: K (Kelvin)
Description: Current water temperature
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: Water salinity
Title: depth
Description: Depth related data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth below keel
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth below Transducer
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth from surface
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth from the transducer to the bottom of the keel
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Depth transducer is below the water surface
Title: current
Description: Direction and strength of current affecting the vessel
Object value with properties
- drift (m/s)
- setTrue (rad)
- setMagnetic (rad)
Title: tide
Description: Tide data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Next high tide height relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT/Chart Datum)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current tide height relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT/Chart Datum)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The next low tide height relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT/Chart Datum)
Units: RFC 3339 (UTC) (undefined)
Description: Time of the next low tide in UTC
Units: RFC 3339 (UTC) (undefined)
Description: Time of next high tide in UTC
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Vertical movement of the vessel due to waves
Title: wind
Description: Wind data.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Apparent wind angle, negative to port
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: True wind angle based on speed over ground, negative to port
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: True wind angle based on speed through water, negative to port
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The angle the wind needs to shift to raise an alarm
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The wind direction relative to true north
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The wind direction relative to magnetic north
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Wind speed over water (as calculated from speedApparent and vessel's speed through water)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Wind speed over ground (as calculated from speedApparent and vessel's speed over ground)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Apparent wind speed
Description: A time reference for the vessel. All clocks on the vessel dispaying local time should use the timezone offset here. If a timezoneRegion is supplied the timezone must also be supplied. If timezoneRegion is supplied that should be displayed by UIs in preference to simply timezone. ie 12:05 (Europe/London) should be displayed in preference to 12:05 (UTC+01:00)
Description: Mode of the vessel based on the current conditions. Can be combined with navigation.state to control vessel signals eg switch to night mode for instrumentation and lights, or make sound signals for fog.
Title: navigation
Description: Navigation data including Position, Course to next WP information, etc.
Title: Navigation lights
Description: Current state of the vessels navigation lights
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Course over ground (magnetic)
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Course over ground (true)
Title: Course
Description: Course information computed with Rhumbline
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate).
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to magnetic north.
Description: Data required if sailing to an active route, defined in resources.
Description: A reference (URL) to the presently active route, in resources.
Description: The estimated time of arrival at the end of the current route
Description: The time this route was activated
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating towards
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating from
Object value with properties
- type
- href
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance in meters between previousPoint and the vessel's present position
Title: position
Description: The position of lastPoint in two dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Course
Description: Course information computed with Great Circle
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate).
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to magnetic north.
Description: Data required if sailing to an active route, defined in resources.
Description: A reference (URL) to the presently active route, in resources.
Description: The estimated time of arrival at the end of the current route
Description: The time this route was activated
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating towards
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating from
Object value with properties
- type
- href
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance in meters between previousPoint and the vessel's present position
Title: position
Description: The position of lastPoint in two dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Description: Calculated values for other vessels, e.g. from AIS
Object value with properties
- distance (m)
- timeTo (s)
Description: Specific navigational data related to yacht racing.
Title: position
Description: Position of starboard start mark
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: position
Description: Position of port start mark
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the start line
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time left before start
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on port, turning downwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on port, turning upwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on starboard, turning downwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on starboard, turning upwind
Description: The layline crossing the current course
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the layline
Units: s (Second)
Description: The time to the layline at current speed and heading
Description: The layline parallell to current course
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the layline
Units: s (Second)
Description: The time to the layline at current speed and heading
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The magnetic variation (declination) at the current position that must be added to the magnetic heading to derive the true heading. Easterly variations are positive and Westerly variations are negative (in Radians).
Units: s (Second)
Description: Seconds since the 1st Jan 1970 that the variation calculation was made
Title: destination
Description: The intended destination of this trip
Description: Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages
Description: Expected time of arrival at destination waypoint
Description: UUID of destination waypoint
Title: gnss
Description: Global satellite navigation meta information
Description: Fix type
Description: Quality of the satellite fix
Description: Integrity of the satellite fix
Description: Number of satellites
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Altitude of antenna
Description: Horizontal Dilution of Precision
Description: Positional Dilution of Precision
Description: Difference between WGS84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level
Units: s (Second)
Description: Age of DGPS data
Description: ID of DGPS base station
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Current magnetic heading of the vessel, equals 'headingCompass adjusted for magneticDeviation'
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Magnetic deviation of the compass at the current headingCompass
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Current magnetic heading received from the compass. This is not adjusted for magneticDeviation of the compass
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'
Title: position
Description: The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Attitude
Description: Vessel attitude: roll, pitch and yaw
Object value with properties
- roll (rad)
- pitch (rad)
- yaw (rad)
Description: Special maneuver such as regional passing arrangement. (from ais)
Units: rad/s (Radian per second)
Description: Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Vessel speed through the water
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Transverse speed through the water (Leeway)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Longitudinal speed through the water
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Leeway Angle derived from the longitudinal and transverse speeds through the water
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total distance traveled
Description: Trip data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total distance traveled on this trip / since trip reset
Description: Trip log reset time
Title: state
Description: Current navigational state of the vessel
Title: anchor
Description: The anchor data, for anchor watch etc
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Radius of anchor alarm boundary. The distance from anchor to the center of the boat
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Current distance to anchor
Title: position
Description: The actual anchor position of the vessel in 3 dimensions, probably an estimate at best
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Description: Time and Date from the GNSS Positioning System
Title: notifications
Description: Notifications currently raised. Major categories have well-defined names, but the tree can be extended by any hierarchical structure
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of the path of the alarm
Title: design
Description: Design/dimensional data of this
Units: kg (Kilogram)
Description: The displacement of the vessel
Description: The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php
Object value with properties
- id
- name
Title: draft
Description: The draft of the vessel
Object value with properties
- minimum (m)
- maximum (m)
- current (m)
- canoe (m)
Title: length
Description: The various lengths of the vessel
Object value with properties
- overall (m)
- hull (m)
- waterline (m)
Title: keel
Description: Information about the vessel's keel
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: A number indicating at which angle the keel currently is (in case of a canting keel), negative to port.
Units: ratio (Ratio)
Description: In the case of a lifting keel, centreboard or daggerboard, the part of the keel which is extended. 0 is 'all the way up' and 1 is 'all the way down'. 0.8 would be 80% down.
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Beam length
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total height of the vessel
Title: rigging
Description: Information about the vessel's rigging
Title: sensors
Description: Sensors, their state, and data.
Title: sensor
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation UUID identifier for the sensor
Description: The common name of the sensor
Description: The datamodel definition of the sensor data. FIXME - need to create a definitions lib of sensor datamodel types
Description: The data of the sensor data. FIXME - need to ref the definitions of sensor types
Description: The distance from the bow to the sensor location
Description: The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port
Description: A wrapper object for Search And Rescue (SAR) MMSI's usied in transponders. MOB, EPIRBS etc
Title: Search and rescue beacons
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of an MMSI or Signal K UUID identifier for the aid to navigation. Examples: urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:972099999 urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:c0d79334-4e25-4245-8892-54e8ccc8021d
Description: URL based identity of the aid to navigation, if available.
Description: MMSI number of the aid to navigation, if available.
Description: A unique Signal K flavoured maritime resource identifier, assigned by the server.
Title: communication
Description: Communication data including Radio, Telephone, E-Mail, etc.
Description: Callsign for VHF communication
Description: Callsign for HF communication
Description: Phone number of skipper
Description: Email address to be used for HF email (Winmail, Airmail, Sailmail)
Description: Regular email for the skipper
Description: Satellite phone number for vessel.
Description: Full name of the skipper of the vessel.
Description: Array with the names of the crew
Title: navigation
Description: Navigation data including Position, Course to next WP information, etc.
Title: Navigation lights
Description: Current state of the vessels navigation lights
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Course over ground (magnetic)
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Course over ground (true)
Title: Course
Description: Course information computed with Rhumbline
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate).
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to magnetic north.
Description: Data required if sailing to an active route, defined in resources.
Description: A reference (URL) to the presently active route, in resources.
Description: The estimated time of arrival at the end of the current route
Description: The time this route was activated
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating towards
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating from
Object value with properties
- type
- href
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance in meters between previousPoint and the vessel's present position
Title: position
Description: The position of lastPoint in two dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Course
Description: Course information computed with Great Circle
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate).
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north.
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to magnetic north.
Description: Data required if sailing to an active route, defined in resources.
Description: A reference (URL) to the presently active route, in resources.
Description: The estimated time of arrival at the end of the current route
Description: The time this route was activated
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating towards
Description: The point on earth the vessel's presently navigating from
Object value with properties
- type
- href
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The distance in meters between previousPoint and the vessel's present position
Title: position
Description: The position of lastPoint in two dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Description: Calculated values for other vessels, e.g. from AIS
Object value with properties
- distance (m)
- timeTo (s)
Description: Specific navigational data related to yacht racing.
Title: position
Description: Position of starboard start mark
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: position
Description: Position of port start mark
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the start line
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time left before start
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on port, turning downwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on port, turning upwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on starboard, turning downwind
Units: s (Second)
Description: Time to arrive at the start line on starboard, turning upwind
Description: The layline crossing the current course
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the layline
Units: s (Second)
Description: The time to the layline at current speed and heading
Description: The layline parallell to current course
Units: m (Meter)
Description: The current distance to the layline
Units: s (Second)
Description: The time to the layline at current speed and heading
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The magnetic variation (declination) at the current position that must be added to the magnetic heading to derive the true heading. Easterly variations are positive and Westerly variations are negative (in Radians).
Units: s (Second)
Description: Seconds since the 1st Jan 1970 that the variation calculation was made
Title: destination
Description: The intended destination of this trip
Description: Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages
Description: Expected time of arrival at destination waypoint
Description: UUID of destination waypoint
Title: gnss
Description: Global satellite navigation meta information
Description: Fix type
Description: Quality of the satellite fix
Description: Integrity of the satellite fix
Description: Number of satellites
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Altitude of antenna
Description: Horizontal Dilution of Precision
Description: Positional Dilution of Precision
Description: Difference between WGS84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level
Units: s (Second)
Description: Age of DGPS data
Description: ID of DGPS base station
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Current magnetic heading of the vessel, equals 'headingCompass adjusted for magneticDeviation'
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Magnetic deviation of the compass at the current headingCompass
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Current magnetic heading received from the compass. This is not adjusted for magneticDeviation of the compass
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'
Title: position
Description: The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Attitude
Description: Vessel attitude: roll, pitch and yaw
Object value with properties
- roll (rad)
- pitch (rad)
- yaw (rad)
Description: Special maneuver such as regional passing arrangement. (from ais)
Units: rad/s (Radian per second)
Description: Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Vessel speed through the water
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Transverse speed through the water (Leeway)
Units: m/s (Meters per second)
Description: Longitudinal speed through the water
Units: rad (Radian)
Description: Leeway Angle derived from the longitudinal and transverse speeds through the water
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total distance traveled
Description: Trip data
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Total distance traveled on this trip / since trip reset
Description: Trip log reset time
Title: state
Description: Current navigational state of the vessel
Title: anchor
Description: The anchor data, for anchor watch etc
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Radius of anchor alarm boundary. The distance from anchor to the center of the boat
Units: m (Meter)
Description: Current distance to anchor
Title: position
Description: The actual anchor position of the vessel in 3 dimensions, probably an estimate at best
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Description: Time and Date from the GNSS Positioning System
Title: notifications
Description: Notifications currently raised. Major categories have well-defined names, but the tree can be extended by any hierarchical structure
Description: Man overboard
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Fire onboard
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Vessel is sinking
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Vessel is flooding
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: In collision with another vessel or object
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Vessel grounding
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Vessel is listing
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Vessel is adrift
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Under attack or danger from pirates
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: Abandon ship
Object value with properties
- method
- state
- message
Description: This regex pattern is used for validation of the path of the alarm
Title: resources
Description: Resources to aid in navigation and operation of the vessel including waypoints, routes, notes, etc.
Title: chart
Description: A holder for charts, each named with their chart code
Description: A chart
Title: route
Description: A holder for routes, each named with a UUID
Description: A route, named with a UUID
Title: notes
Description: A holder for notes about regions, each named with a UUID. Notes might include navigation or cruising info, images, or anything
Description: A note about a region, named with a UUID. Notes might include navigation or cruising info, images, or anything
Title: position
Description: Position related to note. Alternative to region or geohash
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: region
Description: A holder for regions, each named with UUID
Description: A region of interest, each named with a UUID
Title: waypoints
Description: A holder for waypoints, each named with a UUID
Description: A waypoint, named with a UUID
Title: position
Description: The position in 3 dimensions
Object value with properties
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
Title: Feature
Description: A Geo JSON feature object
Description: [missing]
Enum values:
- Feature
Title: Point
Description: [missing]
Description: [missing]
Enum values:
- Point
Description: A single position, in x,y order (Lon, Lat)
Description: Additional data of any type
Description: [missing]
Description: Version of the schema and APIs that this data is using in Canonical format i.e. V1.0.0.