Signal K Demonstrator
The Signal K Server reference design is written in NodeJS, the popular development platform based on Google Chrome’s JavaScript runtime environment and it can run on a lot of different hardware including x64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, power7, power8, and s390x.
One of the most popular hardware platforms for Signal K is the Raspberry Pi, which on a “Processing Power to Dollar” ratio, is pretty unbeatable and with so many people using it, getting help and support is much easier than for other platforms.
If you have a Raspberry Pi and would like to give Signal K a try, we have prepared a detailed “Getting Started” guide that will give you all of the information you need - Signal K Node.js on Raspberry Pi
A fully working version of the latest Signal K Node-Server is currently running on the Signal K demo webserver and if you click on the link below it will open in a new tab. You will be taken to the Server’s “Dashboard” where you can then click on the Webapps menu to see some typical Signal K Apps.
This is the same Node Server that you could be running on a Raspberry Pi on your boat and it would be your boat’s real data being displayed in your web browser, rather than our demo data.