Migrating SensESP Version 1 Projects to Version 2

SensESP version 2 has a number of backwards-incompatible changes compared to the previous version. Most of the changes are trivial, while some others require a bit of more work to update the code.

This document walks through the most important changes, and explains how to update your project to the new version.

ESP8266 Support Removed

If your project uses ESP8266 hardware, you will either have to update to an ESP32 device, or you can keep using SensESP version 1. To peg your project to SensESP v1, change the SensESP dependency in your project’s platformio.ini file lib_deps section to this:

lib_deps =
    SignalK/SensESP @ ^1.0.8

Main Program Structure

Setup and Loop Functions

SensESP builds on ReactESP, which is an event-based framework for developing ESP32 firmware. Previous versions of ReactESP defined the Arduino Framework default setup() and loop() functions internally and relied on a lambda function for initializing the program and defining the top-level functionality:

ReactESP app([] () {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  app.onRepeat(400, [] () {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN));

This approach emphasized the event-based nature of ReactESP but also looked alien to newcomers expecting a more traditional program structure. Additionally, some use cases might benefit from being able to tweak the details of the setup() and loop() functions, which is not possible with the lambda function approach.

Therefore, ReactESP v2 was updated to explicitly define the setup() and loop() functions. To update your code, declare a default ReactESP app object and define the setup() and loop() functions in the main.cpp file. Then, move the contents of the lambda function into the setup() function. loop() should only have a call to app.tick():

ReactESP app;

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  app.onRepeat(400, [] () {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN));

void loop() { app.tick(); }

Namespace Usage

In projects with a lot of dependencies, it is common that some upstream library exports some very generic symbol names, which then causes conflicts or hard-to-debug issues in the code being developed. The standard C++ approach to mitigate these issues is to use a namespace.

All internal SensESP code is now wrapped in a sensesp namespace. To account for this, add a using namespace sensesp; statement right after the #include statements in your main.cpp file:

#include "..."

using namespace sensesp;

ReactESP app;

void setup() {

void loop() { app.tick(); }

If you’re developing or maintaining an add-on library, you should wrap the library code in the sensesp namespace:

// includes should remain outside the namespace
#include "..."

namespace sensesp {
// All your code here

External Sensors

All Sensor classes requiring external libraries have been removed. Reducing the number of external dependencies improves code stability and improves build times.

Some Sensors are now available as add-on libraries. Most, however, have been removed in favor of a more generic approach, namely the RepeatSensor class. The RepeatSensor class allows you to easily interface any external hardware sensor libraries with SensESP. See the RepeatSensor tutorials (part 1, part 2) for more details.

Renamed Classes and Types

Type-specific Consumer and Producer class names have been renamed to more closely match the native C++ types.

All class names including Numeric have been renamed to Float. For example, SKOutputNumeric has been renamed to SKOutputFloat and SKNumericListener has been renamed to FloatSKListener. In the latter case, the name has also been modified to reflect that float is the input type for the listener.

Similarly, names with other types have been renamed to more closely match the standard C++ builtin type names. For example, *Boolean* is now *Bool*, and *Integer* is now *Int*.

To better reflect the intent and the functionality, the Enable class has been renamed to Startable.

Class Interface Changes

Some class public interfaces have been changed.

The DigitalInputState constructor no longer accepts the interrupt_type argument because that class never used interrupts.

The DigitalInputChange implementation has been simplified and the constructor no longer requres the read_delay argument.

System Info Sensors

SensESP v1 had so called “standard sensors” that transmit information on the operation of the device: free memory, number of event loop executions per second, device IP address, and so on. The standard sensors were initialized using a SensESP constructor or builder bitfield argument:

sensesp_app = builder.set_standard_sensors(UPTIME)

The standard sensors have been renamed to system info sensors and they are initialized by regular builder methods:

sensesp_app = builder.enable_free_mem_sensor()

Remote Debugger Disabled

The Remote Debugger allows you to connect to the device over telnet and view the log messages and even reset the device, all without a USB cable connection. Even though this is a neat and useful feature, it was not widely known and uses a lot of memory. And, it was a gaping security hole.

The Remote Debugger has now been disabled by default.

To enable the Remote Debugger, add the following line to your platformio.ini file build_flags:

build_flags =

After rebuilding and uploading, your device should listen to the default telnet port (23) on the device’s local network.

If you want to disable all debugging output whatsoever, add the following:

build_flags =

Over-The-Air (OTA) Firmware Updates

OTA firmware updates have been supported already for a long time. To improve security, OTA updates are now enabled only if an OTA password is defined in the App builder:

sensesp_app = builder.enable_free_mem_sensor()